Yoga Class Types

Move, heal, ground

  • A stacked sequence that allows the practitioner the chance to go deeper into the asanas. In this 60 minute session, practitioners being with five base asanas, and steadily add a number of asanas per round. By the end of the round, practitioners would have gone through the sequence at least four times on each side, allowing ample time to go deeper, or explore different variations of each asana. Rest assured, variations and modifications will be made available.

  • Take a spin around the mat with this class. A mandala flow class sees the practitioner flowing from one asana to another around the mat in a circular direction. A mandala flow breaks you out of your usual routine, and challenges body awareness and coordination. Develop a strong focus and enhance the mind-body connection. Recommended for regular practitioners of vinyasa/yoga flow.

  • Move better, improve your mobility and the functionality of the physical body through intentional practice that addresses pain, soreness, and enhances recovery. Begin with stilling of the mind through yogic breath techniques, then rebuild neural connections through carefully sequenced movements.

  • This 45 minute session begins with a gentle stretch, followed by an extended period of breathwork. Through traditional yogic techniques, find stillness and ground yourself. Discover, unpack, and process remnant emotion and trauma within the physical body. Practitioners may expect to practice yogic breathing, ujjayi breath, nadi shodana, bhastrika, bhramari, sitali, sitkari paired with body scans and meditative techniques.

  • Feeling cramped and stuck in your own body? Seated Stretch features a sequence of supine, seated and mat asanas. There will be no standing or balancing poses. Practitioners would be given options to stay for longer in the same asana, or adopt a variation to deepen the stretch if this is available to them. Do bring along knee pads, or blocks if you feel more comfortable with them.

  • Flow to the rising sun in tandem with your breath. Explore the fluidity of movement as we flow through the traditional surya namaskars classical, A and B. Deepen the mind-body connection as the physical body strengthens with each practice. This is a dynamic flow practice that will allow the practitioner to walk away feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

  • Anchor the sequence with vinyasas at every turn. Explore with the full chaturanga dandasana-updog-downdog trio, adding variations and modifications that suit your body. Mindfully pair a full breath with each movement, or ground your practice with repetition of your sankalpa as you go through each round of vinyasa.

  • Anchor the sequence differently with asanas that seek to strengthen your core, and open the hips. Explore foundational yoga poses in connection with the breath. This practice incorporates deeper stretches and more controlled movements.

  • Flow and stretch consists of a good balance between a strong dynamic practice as well as a deep full body stretch. Enjoy the twin benefits of rhythmic and strong sequences paired with slower, cooling and passive poses to calm the mind and nervous system

Yoga is a way of moving into stillness in order to experience the truth of who you are

- Erich Schiffmann